Practical Strategies For Dealing With High Excavator Temperatures In Summer.

In the hot summer, the high water temperature of excavators has become a headache for many mechanics. Some riders tend to use ordinary water instead of coolant for cost considerations. However, this practice will lead to the accumulation of scale in the water tank in the long run, which will seriously hinder the the effectiveness of the cooling system and then trigger the high temperature alarm. Therefore, it is crucial to remove the scale regularly.


1. Professional Scale Cleaning and Prevention

•    Cleaning of scale: Scientific chemical cleaning methods are recommended. According to the nature of scale, suitable acidic or alkaline solutions should be selected to convert scale into soluble substances through chemical reaction, and then rinsed out. However, please note that the corrosiveness of the solution to the water tank material should be considered during operation to ensure safety and effectiveness.

•    Scale prevention: The ideal practice is to insist on using high quality professional coolants, which are not only effective in preventing scale formation, but also provide a more stable operating environment for the engine.


2. Radiator Maintenance

•    Clean the radiator: Use high-pressure water or compressed air to clean the dust and debris on the radiator of the water tank on a regular basis to ensure the air flows smoothly and enhances the cooling efficiency.

•    Replace the coolant: When replacing the coolant, first park the excavator in a flat position, wait for the engine to cool down completely, open the radiator cap, and drain the old coolant through the drain valve, and refill with new coolant.


3. Daily Habits and Water Quality Management

•    Good cleaning habits: The mechanic should develop the habit of cleaning the external filter of the water tank on a regular basis to avoid it from being clogged by impurities and affecting heat dissipation.

•    Water quality selection: If the water quality in the operating environment is not good, you should avoid adding water and switch to a more suitable cooling medium such as antifreeze to reduce scale generation and prevent high temperature problems.


In summary, through regular cleaning of scale, professional maintenance of the radiator, cultivate good cleaning habits and a reasonable choice of cooling medium, drivers can effectively deal with the summer excavator high temperature problems, to ensure that the equipment in the hot season can also be stable and efficient operation.











Post time: Sep-20-2024