Calculation of Excavator Bucket Capacity

Bucket capacity is determined by considering the bucket size, material characteristics and productivity requirements. The calculation process involves a number of factors such as material density, fill factor, production target and cycle time. The following are specialized calculation steps:

1.  Determine Material Properties: Look up the weight of the material per cubic yard (in pounds or tons) and refer to the manufacturer’s fill factor table to see how efficiently the material fills the bucket(in decimals of percentages).

2.  Measure cycle time: use a stopwatch to record the time interval between when the bucket starts from the excavator and when it is ready to dig again, convert it to minutes and calculate the number of cycles per hour(i.e., divided by the cycle time)

3.  Set production target: Based on the project requirements, divide the hourly production requirement in tons by the number of cycles per hour to arrive at the average load per cycle.

4.  Calculate nominal capacity: divide the payload per cycle by the material density to arrive at the nominal capacity of the bucket(i.e., the theoretical volume of fully loaded material)

5.  Consideration of the actual loading conditions: In order to obtain the full capacity, it is necessary to take into account the geometry of the bucket and the accumulation characteristics of the material in the bucket(e.g. angle of repose). The interval volume of the bucket is measured and adjusted to reflect the state of accumulation of the material, and finally the actual full capacity is obtained by correction of the fill factor. This process ensures that the bucket can effectively life the maximum amount of material in each work cycle.

Post time: Aug-30-2024